Tuesday, December 31, 2013


AWESOME! - Yet Scary...
Just saw this article on YAHOO!  - asking "which sci-fi movie is coming true"?... It reminded me of this issue of TIME I picked up not too long ago ...

Looking for the Rock'em, Sock'em kind....

Not sure which Sci-Fi movie will "become true" - but, if anyone hasn't seen The Second Renaissance in the AniMatrix bundle of animated shorts - see it now (Be Warned - they are violent and disturbing at times)
For some reason, it rings true that one day, a robot will be "charged with murder" - not too dissimilar to I, Robot... It will most definitely change the world.

I am all-in for robot/add-ons that will help us like this:

No doubt that robots have helped us with in recent times (too numerous to list - everything from assembly lines to entertaining robo-balls controlled by your smartphone)... No doubt robots can help us in the future. It's a matter of insuring it doesn't become out of hand...

In closing - no need to fear. There's no stopping the advancing momentum of technology. What does keep me from being paranoid is that they never get it right in movies... after all, art imitates life (or is it the other way around)?? ;)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Forget Drones... let's go straight to Beaming!

Almost anyone tuning into the radio, gazing headlines, etc. must know by now that Amazon will soon be delivering stuff to your doorstep within 30 min. with their Smiley Drones...
The very 1st instant I heard about it, I couldn't help but think "CooL!" - followed by "Hmm... will it really work?"... Earlier today, I figured if you really wanted to do away with any questions of "delivery issues"... why not "Beam it up"!?! =D
Interestingly, I found it as I typed in "Teleportation" for this blog entry.
How stuff works' got it:
Even TIME in January 2009 labeled it as "Real"!
Lastly, even IBM's is "IN" on it:
"Quantum Teleportation"... even better =)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Action Figure Antics! Woody and Buzz and Transformers...

I clearly remember walking with my mom and sister that cloudy day down 14th St. in NYC. I suppose we were doing some real/window shopping. I must have been about 8 or 9  years old - always looking for a new toy. As we passed by the stores, my glance caught sight of a little black truck in a box. It was more than just a little black truck... it was a Transformer! I had heard of them at the time... I had a few GoBots - which were cool. But, these guys were "BiG". I was almost going to point it out to mom, but I thought it would be too expensive, so I didn't say anything.
I doubted they could ever make anything cooler than this!
Bored, as I waited for mom to look at some items inside one of those "little of everything" stores. I started to look around, and there it was... Trailbreaker! The same robot-car I saw in that store window! At this point, I felt like hours had past, and I had invested enough time into "patiently waiting". If I made a sad enough face, maybe I could guilt mom into getting me something. =)
I can't remember all the details arguing my case - but I am sure it also involved my good grades and how I had been a "good boy" that week. Not before long... I had my 1st Transformer!

Made GoBots look like squeeky "kids toys"

I was so enamored by the "Bigness" of the car-robot! In time, I talked my way into getting a "bad guy" - the blue F-15 fighter jet... Thundercracker! Birthday? Optimus Prime! Christmas? Megatron! And so on... not before long, I had an awesome Transformer collection including the likes of SoundWave and JetFire. Unlike my Star Wars collection (which I practically gave away :( ) I did not sell any of my original Transformers. They are very "played with" - and are almost falling apart - but are still awesome. About 10 years ago... I learned about the "Re-Release" of Transformers figures. Not just the exact re-release, but "Masterpiece" versions - that where almost 3x the size!! Not time to showcase all the ones I got... but, I will share a special moment from a few years ago - when I had Woody and Buzz spend some time with them.

#1 - If you ask Megatron, he may have a better answer....

#2 - Is this little guy yours?

#3 - What kind of stupid question is that?! Ask my Mini-Me!

#4 - Do I look like a "Mini-me" ? I am not the smallest Megatron, you know!

#5 - That is a very personal question... go away...

#6 - Stuck baby-transformer-sitting...
#7 - Woodimus Prime!
#8 - Buzzimus?

#9 - Identity crisis...
#10 - GOT CHA!!
#11 - NO - I GOT CHA

I did the captions in a hurry... please leave better captions in the comments below! Just say the picture # and then write something up! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What a bunch of Poo...

It's only a matter of time before there is a Mr. Poo Head on toy store shelves... I can almost see it...
They already went there in South Park with Mr. Hankey... but I see no reason why they can't make it, market it and sell it.

After all, Poo-Dough is out there:

Can you imagine the possibilities?!

As if that's not fun enough, there is Doggie Doo:
Whoever scoops the most... Wins!!

If that was not disturbing enough, let's pair poo with another bodily function and make them plush:

Where can I buy this?!

Or - how about an action figure?

The FINAL frontier...

And how about a toy that poos something you can eat?
Mmm... yummy.
Lest we forget... 

I'm sure there are more poo-toys I missed...
Please add names & links the comments section :)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Action Figure Antics! Star Wars Edition...

This will not come to shock to most of you... My earliest memories of being alive actually include me playing with Star Wars action figures... (!)

Nope. I haven't changed much...

I would get them for my birthday... for Christmas... for doing well at school... and any other opportunity I could get my little hands on! My biggest mistake was selling my Star Wars figure collection when we moved back from living 5 years of my teenage life in Peru. :(
After moving back to the States, I tried getting over the loss by "growing up" and moving on from toys.In my late teenage years, I continued to secretly collect all sorts of action figures, including G.I.JOE. and Transformers. Then... when Star Wars figures were "re-released" under a "new" Power of The Force... I felt compelled to fill-in the void by collecting only the main characters. In time, this became a HUGE collection in itself. Once again, I found myself parting with them to start a family business. All were not given up though - and many live on. Bellow, you will see some of them along with everyone's favorite Toy Story toys.. Woody and Buzz. In future posts - I will share more insane Woody & Buzz figure mayhem!


So tell me Mr. ZURG... why so serious?
WOA! That isn't real is it?
HAHA... It's Fake!!

Let's escape the Sarlacc together!

I look better escaping the Sarlacc pit... 

So - tell me, was it as painful as it looks?

WAIT! I thought there was supposed to be a little guy in there!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

This looks very "Handy"

What is your "favorite" human interface device (HID)? Keyboard? Mouse? Joystick?
For me? I love the Kinect for my Xbox... but I do not find myself using it as often as I'd like.
As an "old-school" gamer, I guess the joystick is still my favorite (thumb-stick really). Mouse does take the #1 spot for any first-person-shooters (FPS) - especially on PC. Although there are plenty of touch-screen and gyroscopic games on my smart-phone that have warmed up my heart...
This may change everything:

What do you think?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Earlier this year... there was a depressing post that Nessy was less-than-real... This however, makes me smile:
New Evidence of Bigfoot's Existence

Coincidentally, I just saw this VSauce clip last night on "Real Monsters"!!
Yep... not only do they have Bigfoot in there... but they show that almost every continent, every culture on the planet has some type of Bigfoot!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Just when I thought I "knew" Star Wars... time to think again.
"Longer ago... in a galaxy even further away...."
Dubbed as "The Star Wars" - it's a comic book mini-series based on George Lucas' rough-draft original screenplay...
If anyone gets this, read it and let me know if it's worth getting!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Insane in the Mainframe

Really sick deal on the Bioshock games from Amazon:


Thursday, September 19, 2013

More Matters of Dark... Matter...

Oh boy!
Just when I thought it was safe... never mind...
Now, it turns out that Dark Matter may be explained by "wee galaxies" !!
Aaalrighty then... totally blows my theory out of the water. Or maybe it doesn't.
What if those "wee galaxies" were as a result of space-time being warped at the spot (the "knots of dark matter" referred to in the article) - just enough for matter to start nestling there. Clustering & turning into a singularity - and thus, a center to a galaxy... wee or otherwise.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I know I'm being an over achiever with 2 posts in one day, but I really liked this write up about the conical side of Halo 4. The link in the middle of the article is pretty awesome too.

Game on!

Halo Is Gaming’s Funniest Comedy, Even if Its Maker Doesn’t Know It http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2013/08/halo-4-as-comedy/

50 Things a Geek Should Know

Hello fellow nerds/geeks! I saw this little gem on Gizmodo this morning and knew I had to post it here. I am slightly ashamed that I only ranked in the middle of the pack. Time to brush up on my Klingon I suppose... :-)

Follow the link and see where you rank!


Thursday, August 22, 2013

5 Billionaires creating the future for fun

Hi All,

These crazy, impossibly rich people are giving me hope that I may one day actually live in the sci-fi (as opposed to syfy, with their frequent sharknado attacks) future I always hoped.


Patience Grasshopper...

I know this is not nerdy, but ever seen the show Kung Fu ? In one or more of David Carridine's characters flash-backs... his master would somehow utter the famous phrase:
"Patience Grasshopper"


This, however, is nerdy... and has "Grasshopper" written all over it:
Not so cute - but awesome.

SpaceX Falcon 9 (Taller than a 10-story building) AKA "Grasshopper" did some nice maneuvering last week...


Monday, August 5, 2013


Please do not be mad at me for wondering why there is such a thing as "Shark Week" (if you're a shark fan). But I do find it interesting that sharks have a week dedicated to "The most Interesting Man in the World"..
However, I totally understand the need for a "Geek Week"
A month would be preferable, but if it were up to me, the whole year would be best.

Here are some links to help us celebrate:

The Next Web
Geek Magazine
abc story

Friday, July 26, 2013

In a matter of dark...

Ever had to get-up in the middle of the night? Since the landscape is familiar, there is no need to turn on the lights. Feeling too warm to wear socks or put on slippers, so bare-foot it is. It's pitch-black. You might need to reach out for a second to make sure you're not going to bash your head on the pillar of your canopy bed (if you have one) - or the door to the bedroom since it may have been left ajar.  As you work your way across the hallway floor, the carpeting suddenly feels uneven. House settling? Must be something under the carpeting that was never noticed before. Especially since I always walked around with slippers... whatever.

If the underlying wooden frame of the house is the structure of space-time which we do not see... and the dry-wall, carpeting, paint, etc. is the matter that "dresses up" our universe. Isn't it safe to say that the "wooden frame" of our universe can either "settle" or been "lived in" before? Who is to say that this is the 1st universe to exist in this area. Don't forget - if what we see is just one of various universes (multiverse), the other ones may be affecting us in ways we cannot see.

Although Dark Matter may still be elusive, to me Dark Energy feels like that uneven carpet. There is something (or lack thereof) "underneath" us that we can feel.

I entered a reply to this + plus magazine  article on Dark Matter a few years ago:

Scroll to the bottom for the "anonymous" reply from Fernando in Tarrytown., NY.. that's me.

I still believe what I wrote two years ago. Yes, it's just a theory - but something tells me that what we might be experiencing as "energy" may have once been matter. A lot of matter. Suns, stars, maybe even singularities that got wiped away when the prior universe collapsed. I know... they say our current universe may expand indefinitely. Ever think that maybe this time around, our neighboring universes are collapsing? Allowing for our expansion? Sorry - I digress... a whole other matter... :)

What do you think?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Virtually Awesome!

There's no point in me re-hashing this review... it's pretty cool as-is:

In that list, The Virtuix Omni got my complete attention.

I can see FPS's like HALO making the best out of this bad boy!
I know... it's not the same. Thumbs will feel neglected, and it may "level the playing field" a bit, as skill will come down to how fast you can turn your head and aim your weapon in the real world (not thumb control). The walking thing still has me confused... not sure if you can "run for your life" as quickly as I'd like to. Especially if someone is about to splatter me with a Covenant Ghost... Speaking of - check out this Ghost Rampage:

Uh oh... how would the Omni handle vehicle operations? 

Friday, July 19, 2013

My kid is smarter than I am!!

WOW! I don't even have to wait 20+ years and thousands of dollars of getting my offspring through college to say that... HAHAHA! Why?! My wife came across this yesterday:
Babies can Understand Quantum Mechanics
So - how did I find this and care?
My wife and I just welcomed our 1st child to the world last week- :) - so you can imagine we are surfing the web for baby stuff... never thought we'd find something relating newborns to Quantum Mechanics!
I'm somewhat capable of wrapping my head around many Q.M. theories and what not... but I think this is phenomenal! We may be born with the ability to understand it all!
According to Quantum Computing expert, Seth Lloyd: "Newborn babies are the only people alive who intuitively understand quantum mechanics".
Apparently, when playing peek-a-boo with my little one (once he manages to track me a little better in the weeks to follow) - he will "know" that I can potentially be in multiple states when I hide under the blankets. YEA! Like an electron's quantum state!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy 66 Anniversary Aliens!!

This is too funny... go to Google.com now!
They are "celebrating" the 66th anniversary of the Roswell UFO crash!
There's like a "mini-game" to find the parts of your UFO... HAHAHA.

Other than ID4, what is your favorite "Roswell / Area 51" story?

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What's next... Bigfoot was a rock-formation?

Next to finding out that Capt. Kirk's hair may not have been his own in Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn... this has become the next biggest disappointment:
Nessy may not be real!
Didn't know fault-lines could stick their heads out of water...

I can't wait to hear the scientific explanation for big foot or chupacabra...
Never mind... I guess there are:
Bigfoot DNA
Chupacabra puppy

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Captain Kirk Academy of Fighting

This is too hysterical not to share with everyone. I am a big (if not huge) fan of everything Star Trek.
So... why haven't they adhered to the same fighting style from the original series -as seen below-  for all the action sequences in the spin-offs or recent movies?

Yep... they're missing out, and I know what you're wondering:
Why didn't JJ Abrams demand that the fight sequences in the new ST movies be of this caliber?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Huston... This looks AWESOME!

It may be a while before I get a chance to go on vacation... anywhere. In the mean time, I will have to plot on how to get us to the new Space Shuttle Atlantis Exhibit in Cape Canaveral, Florida:
This could only be "cooler" in the -180 degrees of space (shadow).
Technically, we have Space Shuttle Enterprise right here in NY... reopening July 10th on the Intrepid!
Not the NCC-1701, but Awesome. nonetheless

Now that "space-shuttling" will be going commercial:
  1. How long do you think it will be before (everyday) people will be vacationing in orbit?
  2. Honeymoons on the moon?
  3. First Star Bucks in space? 
Live long and prosper!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Mission (Objectives), (Bionic) Vision and Values

Long-overdue... a place where we nerds can unite our thoughts. Whether it be casual, purposeful or meaningless. Something nerdrific seen on a TV show, game or a movie... and found how much we can learn from it - this is the place to write about it.
How about a "nerdnalysis"?
Star Wars, EPI - is fear indeed the path to the dark-side. As "young" Yoda said:
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate - hate leads to suffering..."
We fear what we don't understand. What is worse, if we choose not to embrace/understand, we will push it away - thus "hate".  BEP's said it best "And when you hate then you're bound to get irate" (Where is the Love)
But, is "hate" all that bad? Can't you hate mediocrity? Lying? Deceit? Sure... if you hate things that are bad, you can actually use it to do good. Ha.
Anyway - just an example.
Let's feel free to find stuff and post/repost with our own spin on it. Big believer that less is more.
So - let's see what we come up with.
I have a few concepts from the "Businerd" book that was once envisioned. I believe they will be most helpful to get our nerd on!