Friday, November 22, 2013

Action Figure Antics! Woody and Buzz and Transformers...

I clearly remember walking with my mom and sister that cloudy day down 14th St. in NYC. I suppose we were doing some real/window shopping. I must have been about 8 or 9  years old - always looking for a new toy. As we passed by the stores, my glance caught sight of a little black truck in a box. It was more than just a little black truck... it was a Transformer! I had heard of them at the time... I had a few GoBots - which were cool. But, these guys were "BiG". I was almost going to point it out to mom, but I thought it would be too expensive, so I didn't say anything.
I doubted they could ever make anything cooler than this!
Bored, as I waited for mom to look at some items inside one of those "little of everything" stores. I started to look around, and there it was... Trailbreaker! The same robot-car I saw in that store window! At this point, I felt like hours had past, and I had invested enough time into "patiently waiting". If I made a sad enough face, maybe I could guilt mom into getting me something. =)
I can't remember all the details arguing my case - but I am sure it also involved my good grades and how I had been a "good boy" that week. Not before long... I had my 1st Transformer!

Made GoBots look like squeeky "kids toys"

I was so enamored by the "Bigness" of the car-robot! In time, I talked my way into getting a "bad guy" - the blue F-15 fighter jet... Thundercracker! Birthday? Optimus Prime! Christmas? Megatron! And so on... not before long, I had an awesome Transformer collection including the likes of SoundWave and JetFire. Unlike my Star Wars collection (which I practically gave away :( ) I did not sell any of my original Transformers. They are very "played with" - and are almost falling apart - but are still awesome. About 10 years ago... I learned about the "Re-Release" of Transformers figures. Not just the exact re-release, but "Masterpiece" versions - that where almost 3x the size!! Not time to showcase all the ones I got... but, I will share a special moment from a few years ago - when I had Woody and Buzz spend some time with them.

#1 - If you ask Megatron, he may have a better answer....

#2 - Is this little guy yours?

#3 - What kind of stupid question is that?! Ask my Mini-Me!

#4 - Do I look like a "Mini-me" ? I am not the smallest Megatron, you know!

#5 - That is a very personal question... go away...

#6 - Stuck baby-transformer-sitting...
#7 - Woodimus Prime!
#8 - Buzzimus?

#9 - Identity crisis...
#10 - GOT CHA!!
#11 - NO - I GOT CHA

I did the captions in a hurry... please leave better captions in the comments below! Just say the picture # and then write something up! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What a bunch of Poo...

It's only a matter of time before there is a Mr. Poo Head on toy store shelves... I can almost see it...
They already went there in South Park with Mr. Hankey... but I see no reason why they can't make it, market it and sell it.

After all, Poo-Dough is out there:

Can you imagine the possibilities?!

As if that's not fun enough, there is Doggie Doo:
Whoever scoops the most... Wins!!

If that was not disturbing enough, let's pair poo with another bodily function and make them plush:

Where can I buy this?!

Or - how about an action figure?

The FINAL frontier...

And how about a toy that poos something you can eat?
Mmm... yummy.
Lest we forget... 

I'm sure there are more poo-toys I missed...
Please add names & links the comments section :)