Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Just when I thought I "knew" Star Wars... time to think again.
"Longer ago... in a galaxy even further away...."
Dubbed as "The Star Wars" - it's a comic book mini-series based on George Lucas' rough-draft original screenplay...
If anyone gets this, read it and let me know if it's worth getting!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Insane in the Mainframe

Really sick deal on the Bioshock games from Amazon:


Thursday, September 19, 2013

More Matters of Dark... Matter...

Oh boy!
Just when I thought it was safe... never mind...
Now, it turns out that Dark Matter may be explained by "wee galaxies" !!
Aaalrighty then... totally blows my theory out of the water. Or maybe it doesn't.
What if those "wee galaxies" were as a result of space-time being warped at the spot (the "knots of dark matter" referred to in the article) - just enough for matter to start nestling there. Clustering & turning into a singularity - and thus, a center to a galaxy... wee or otherwise.